
All posts by Rav Ens Wood

4251 North Paulina Street

Superb example of an early frame house with an intact porch. The brackets are consistent with a stick style aesthetic and facilitate a sense of muscular composure, order wrought out of complex elements. Window surrounds remain and this house is fainted much as it might have been at the time it was built.

4251 N Paulina. Credit: Google Street View

4251 N Paulina. Credit: Google Street View


In 1885 Judge William McAllister, who lived in a larger home next door, now demolished, gave his daughter, Mary Ackley, a quit claim deed to this house. Her husband George Ackley was a claim examiner for the Chicago Northwestern Railroad and was vice president of James Andrews’ Ravenswood Loan Building Association. At the time of the 1900 census, they lived here with their three children. For a time in the mid-1890’s one of their daughters ran “a select school” in this house.


Recorder of Deeds Office, 1880 Census. No permit. See also October 13, 1894 Lake Breeze newspaper for article on Miss Ackley.


Continue the tour to 4323 North Paulina Street.

  1. The next building is north across Cullom and across from the school, about 373′ from you.
  2. Click the ‘Continue the Tour’ button below when you’ve reached your destination.


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4323 North Paulina Street

A gingerbread cottage, with wood cut-out filigree work in west gable and brackets, wood slat work in gable. North facade has gable which follows the west facade. Note stained glass in first–floor bay window transom. Porch was added in 1926.

4323 N Paulina. Credit: Cook County Assessor

4323 N Paulina. Credit: Cook County Assessor


Levi Pitner, a local developer, built a simple cottage on this site for Amelia and William Pettit in 1885. Between 1894 and 1928 it was replaced or was substantially altered and enlarged.


CCL Survey; Recorder of Deeds Office. only permit is sundry permit for porch addition on 4/14/1926 (Permit #78751; File 132265). 1880 Census.


Continue the tour to 4332 North Paulina Street, the Ravenswood Elementary School.

  1. The next building is the school across the street, about 343′ from you.
  2. Click the ‘Continue the Tour’ button below when you’ve reached your destination.


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4332 North Paulina Street

Architect John J. Flanders designed the center section of the school in 1893. The north and south sections were added presumably in 1912, by the architect Arthur Hussander, who also build Senn High School in Edgewater Glen and the southern block of Lake View High School along Irving Park Road.

Note tendril patterns of Flander’s cut stone, replicated in terra cotta on north and south sections. Abundance of stone detail and clean design lines. Also note damage done by modern window sashes, bricked in window openings, sandblasting of brick in center section.

Flanders’ design anticipates some aspects of the Prairie School, with wide, overhanging cornices and horizontal elements incorporated as a visual stimulant to a sense of continuous flow.

The cupola was not merely decorative. It served as a sanitary improvement, facilitating the exit of smells from the sometimes unwashed children.


This school was built as a replacement for an earlier structure, built in 1872, which was itself the second Ravenswood School. The first was built by the Ravenswood Land Company as an inducement for families to move into this area.

A 1905 photo of Ravenswood Elementary School. This was prior to the addition of the north and south wings by Alexander Hussander in 1912. Credit: Ravenswood School

A 1905 photo of Ravenswood Elementary School. This was prior to the addition of the north and south wings by Alexander Hussander in 1912. Credit: Ravenswood School

Built at a cost of $15,000 in 1893, the structure is the oldest elementary school building in the city.

The 1872 building, a four room brick structure, was called the Sulzer Street School because of its proximity to Montrose Avenue, then called Sulzer Street or Sulzer Road in honor of the first European settler in the area, Conrad Sulzer.

The school was enlarged during the summer vacation of 1888 to eight rooms to meet the ever-growing school age population of the area.

The 1891 fire atlas noted kerosene lamps used for lighting the older school, chicken yards in the back, and said that the janitor lived in the school’s basement.


The original school building from a photo taken about 1874. Credit: Ravenswood Lake View Historical Association

Flanders’ design, incorporating steam heating and “sanitary improvements”, was a big improvement over the earlier building. The architect’s Compensation plan may have had something to do with the state–of–the-art design of this building. When Flanders designed this building, he was working on a percentage commission basis for the Chicago Board of Education. With the population of Chicago exploding, and therefore with a critical need for schools, the city spent more than $2 million between 1890 and 1893 on building new schools and making major repairs on existing schools. Flanders earned $43,000 for his work, and the ire of several unsalaried Board of Education members. One board member demanded to know why one building design could not be used for every school which the city would build. Among many other schools designed by Flanders is the Louis Nettelhorst Elementary School on Broadway in Lake View, which was also added to by Hussander.

Room No. 9, Sulzer School, 9/26/1892. Credit Ravenswood Elementary School

Room No. 9, Sulzer School, 9/26/1892. Credit Ravenswood Elementary School

Between 1884 and 1893 Flanders designed more than 50 projects for the Chicago Board of Education. By virtue of the sheer number of his buildings, from his early Queen Anne designs, such as the Hyde Park High School, to his later projects, such as this one, Flanders had a significant impact on Chicago’s city-scape.

Land that must now be part of the south playground area was acquired in 1910, and was added in 1923.

Hussander’s wings added twelve rooms and many stairs. These stairs became a point of contention much later in the 1970’s when parents and the school council complained that they made much of the space unusable and turned down $500,000 in rehabilitation work, because they said the stairs would make the work impossible.

In 1929, Ravenswood School’s junior high students were moved to Stockton School, currently called Mary Courtenay School, just a few blocks east on Montrose Avenue, which was then a junior high school. Because there was unused space at Ravenswood School, Lake View High School used the space for their freshman students. At some point later in the 1930’s, the junior high classes were brought back to Ravenswood School.

Ravenswood has a very famous alumnus in Bob Fosse – Tony, Emmy and Oscar award-winning director (and choreographer), who graduated around 1941.


CCL Survey; Permits #549 on 4/27/1894 and n 155? on 12/27/1895, as well as #a6942; n1; Page 362; File 20983 on 8/17/1912. See Ellen Wineberg’s “Field Survey of Chicago Public Schools,” Chicago, 1981. Historical records. Ravenswood Elementary School History.


Continue the tour to the corner of West Montrose Avenue & North Paulina Street.

  1. The next destination is the corner north of you, about 410′ from you.
  2. Click the ‘Continue the Tour’ button below when you’ve reached your destination.


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4420 North Paulina Street

This house was designed by John Morrell for T. F. Washburn at an estimated cost of $6,000 in 1900.
Note the gracefully proportioned facade and unusual porch; unusual shingling and cornices; note quoins.

4420 N Paulina. Credit: Cook County Assessor

4420 N Paulina. Credit: Cook County Assessor


Washburn was a varnish manufacturer who commissioned this house.


Permit N2 on 1/2/1900. CCL Survey. American Contractor 1/13/1900.


Continue the tour to 4431 North Paulina Street.

  1. The next building is across the street, about 98′ north from you.
  2. Click the ‘Continue the Tour’ button below when you’ve reached your destination.


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4431 North Paulina Street

Charles Thisslew designed this building at an estimated cost of $18,000 in 1908. He included a large number of highly unusual details:
Third-floor sills, extending into second–floor keystones. Art Nouveau cast concrete or stone inserts. Chambered pillars on the bays. Stained glass. Highly European in its subtle details.

4431 N Paulina. Credit: Cook County Assessor

4431 N Paulina. Credit: Cook County Assessor


Thisslew emigrated to the U.S. in 1882 from Norway and lived on this site both before and after construction of these apartments. A house stood here before the apartments were built. Among other projects, Thisslew designed flats for Gustaf Murbach at 1644 N. Leavitt in 1896.


Recorder of Deeds Office; Permit #2651 on 4/23/1908. In addition, permit for presumed division of apartments into smaller units on 3/12/1953 (B97289: Plan 3062; File 449486; book 67; Page 458).


Continue the tour to the corner of North Paulina Street & West Sunnyside Avenue.

  1. The next building is the church across the street, about 400′ north from you.
  2. Click the ‘Continue the Tour’ button below when you’ve reached your destination.


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1713 West Sunnyside Avenue

An interesting design contrast with the other churches in the neighborhood.
This church, designed by N. Max Dunning and Clarence A. Jensen, takes inspiration from Greek temple forms found in the Pantheon and elsewhere. Classical architecture was quite typical in Christian Science churches in Chicago and many cities. What is not typical is the very high quality of design present here. Note the Superb proportions of the east facade, which express vertical thrust through the Ionic
columns and horizontal breadth through the width of the portico. This facade’s proportions, the monumental scale of the building, the skillful use of terra cotta ornament, the stained glass, and the copper lanterns flanking portico, all set this building aside as one of the city’s finest classical structures.
The building was extraordinarily expensive by the standards of its time, when Ravenswood’s largest and finest houses sold for only $6,000 or $8,000. Taking inflation in house prices into account, this building’s cost of $175,000 is equivalent
to about $10 million in 2000 dollars.
N. Max Dunning (1873-1945) was one of Chicago’s ‘most prominent architects, the designer of the American Furniture Mart, American Book Company Building also known as the Lakeside Press Plant #3 at 330 E. Cermak, and, with E. E. Roberts, the Oak Park Baptist Church. In this case, Dunning collaborated with Clarence A. Jensen, a lesser-known architect.


The original Christian Science congregation moved out in the early 1980’s. A succession of other congregations have followed, the most recent of which, prior to the Philadelphia Romanian Church, was the Lakeshore Family Church. in the late summer of 1993. The church, which owned the building and adjacent parking lot, signed a contract with a Lincoln Park real estate developer for the purchase of the
three-quarter acre site and its building. He proposed to tear down the church and construct some 32 apartments and townhouses on the site, using setbacks and density levels inconnsistent with norms in the neighborhood, and which would require zoning change.
1713 W Sunnyside Ave, Philadelphia Romanian Church. Credit: Wikimapia

1713 W Sunnyside Ave, Philadelphia Romanian Church. Credit: Wikimapia

In the course of the following several months, community opposition grew. A few days before Christmas, 1993, at a community meeting, residents by an overwhelming vote rejected the proposed zoning change and recommended that the City Council also reject it. Shortly thereafter, the Lakeshore Family Church decided to nullify its contract with the developer and sell the site instead to another church, the current owners, who restored the building.


Continue the tour to 4500 North Paulina Street.

  1. Cross the street, about 33′ north from you.
  2. Click the ‘Continue the Tour’ button below when you’ve reached your destination.